Monday, August 12, 2019

Sunflower process

 The tall, towering, dynamic sunflowers that you see in natural environments have gone through a growth process. The growth process is continuous and occurs when conditions are right.

Paragraph 2 seeds germinate
The seed's shape is like a mini rugby ball.  It feels smooth and hard, the inner shape looks like a teardrop.  It looks like it's growing a tail with the first sprout.  It looks like a piece of chocolate that someone is about to eat.  The two petals are oval and light green.

Paragraph 3 the plant develops 
The roots start to grow into the soil and petals form on the sunflower. There is a ball in the middle that holds the sunflowers Vibrant Petals.   Next, the sunflower grows and grows until it Sprouts completely and the roots dig into the  Ground stabilizing the plant. 

Paragraph 4 plant giving seeds
Then the middle turns dark and it drops seeds.   when the seeds get dropped They sink into the ground and then a whole new sunflower gets born. 

Paragraph 5 sunflower dying
Now the sunflower is hunching over and dies.   The stem doesn't stabilize The plant anymore and the plant Continues to die and wither away.


That's the process of a sunflower from when it started as a seed and became a full-grown sunflower and then died.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

speech judging sheet

Speech Judging Sheet 
Name: Jack                          
Topic:  Everyone should own a Fitbit                     
Main Points

Self Assessment
Low                                         High
1           2 3           4 5

My speech was organized logically into paragraphs, with an effective introduction and a conclusion.

I used some gestures, stood still and made eye contact with my audience.

My voice was clear and loud.  I didn’t speak too quickly or too slowly.
My speech had a message and was original, interesting and relevant to the audience.

I used ‘powerful’ words in my speech.  I also included some language features (eg repetition, alliteration, similes etc)

My speech was between 2 ½ and 3 ½ minutes long


Next time I need to …

Have more eye contact with the audience and use more hand gestures.

Teacher Comment 

Well done Jack.  Great storytelling scenario to start your speech and hook in your audience. Your main ideas were great and you backed these up with research and examples.  Next steps: Practice a little more so that you know your speech well and don’t get mixed up and slow down and speak a little clearer.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

The tree hut description

It was dark, cold and scary and the air was dirty. The fog was thick and you could barely see.  

The hut was unstable and very eerie. It was made out of logs and was filled with termites.  The door was creaky and some of the logs were falling off. The wood felt scratchy, bumpy and rocky.  it smelled dirty like trash from a garbage truck. It was as dark and scary as if you were put in a room with your SCARIEST NIGHTMARE. 

The trees stood tall like soldiers standing guard they go on and on until it hits darkness. The leaves are like parachuters jumping out of a plane.