Thursday, August 20, 2020

What the future will be in 20 years

 In 20 years I think Apple will make the iPhone 22 and there will be PS16s.  There will be hovering cars and you won't have to go to school every day because you could get school packages sent to your house 5 days a week, Then you have a certain amount of stuff for your day. You will be able to buy teleporting devices and there will be internet modems planted in your brain.  Everything will be touchscreen devices even PCs and consoles.  You can even pay to get amazon and eBay in your brain.  I think you can get sunglasses that look cool and they can project Netflix on to the lenses and you can watch stuff.  Boats will all be gas engines but not normal gas you have to fart into the tank and that fuels the boat.  You can buy garden monitors to check your garden and do your gardening, you can also get other versions like the laundry monitor.  Life on Mars would have been found and some humans are living on Mars.  There will a 300 inch TV with 70 buttons on the remote and 1000 GB.  You do not have to taste your food you can insert it into the chip on the outside of your stomach.  There will be grandaddy shocks from Casio. You can get pens and pencils where you can type what you want to write into it and it writes it for you in neat handwriting. There will be no cases of coronavirus anywhere and you'll be able to travel to every single country.  Planes Will be able to go to 850 km per hour will be the average of all planes and you won't even feel any turbulence. That’s what I think the future will be in 20 years.

I lost my lotto ticket



‘So $46 million, that’s a lot of money, how did you get it?’

‘It’s a long story I said’

Paragraph 2

It all started at my hotel I was relaxing on my couch watching tv when

‘The lotto numbers are 22, 48, 89, 6 and 73’ said the 8 o’clock lotto show host

‘I WON’ I shouted 

I ran down the stairs in shock and excitement but I tripped on the stairs and let go of the ticket. I speedily got up and chased the ticket, the door to the hotel was open. I thought the ticket was going to go out the door but the breeze pushed it back over my head and into the laundry cart. I turned around and leapt into the cart.  I rummaged through all the laundry to try and find the ticket.  The laundry buggy started to move and I thought I don't think I'll be able to get this ticket back but I felt paper so I grabbed it and I shouted

Paragraph 3

‘My lotto ticket’

 But the laundry man didn't hear me. I was starting to tip then I realised I'm getting put down a laundry chute  I tried to grab onto the side but the clothes were too damp. I slipped down the chute thinking it would never end but I landed in a big pile of laundry.  I quickly scurried out of the laundry and I walked around and I found a backdoor.  It was very crisp outside. 

‘I wish I would have brought a jumper’ I whispered to myself 

I walked around trying to find where I was and I asked the kind man for directions to the supermarket to check my lotto ticket.

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‘Is this where you check your lotto tickets’  I asked a countdown employee?

‘ Yes, right over there’ she said 

‘Thank you’ I  exclaimed while walking away

I scanned the lotto ticket and the Lotto machine said,

‘ I have won, can I have the money, please’ i excitedly asked

‘Really you won?’ she questioned 

‘Yes ‘I said 

‘Wow’ she said 

‘Ok I guess I better give you your money’ she muttered 

‘Yay’ i shouted 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

how banks work

How banks work

Intro actual writing

Have you ever wanted to know how a bank works? Well, I’m here to tell you how.  Banks have been around for thousands of years. For example, the bank is like a massive money holder where men and women work. 

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Interest, this is the process of profit, this means that you get more money by saving money this is how you earn interest. This is important for you.  When you give the bank money, you get 2% interest back.  This happens when you lend the bank a certain amount of money.  If somebody else borrows it they have to pay 7% of the money they borrowed, the bank gets 5% finally you get 2% of the money.  Your magnificent money should be kept held at the large vault. 

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Banks have been around for a long time.  From what I read the first form of banking was in 2000bc.  Back in the day, people used a system called bartering, This was when you gave someone something and they gave you an item of equal value.


I hope this explanation helped you understand how banks work.  If you have any more questions ask your mum and dad and if you have older siblings you can ask them as well.