Coconuts are a key ingredient in Samoan cooking. Every part of the coconut is used. You can eat the flesh raw or use it for cooking, you can drink the juice, the shell makes a handy cup or, together with the husks, you can fuel a cooking fire. The most widely used product from the coconut is coconut cream, so let me describe how the cream is traditionally made.
You will need
coconut husk/tauaga
Step One
Collect all the ingredients
Step two
Next get the back of your knife and strike the coconut carefully. Rotate the coconut after each strike.
Step three
When the coconut is open you can drink all the refreshing water. Then sit on the back of the scraper and take whichever hand you write with and put that hand at the back and the opposite hand at the front of the shell. Scrape the coconut until the flesh is removed. Do not do it too hard.
Step four
When you have done scraping both sides of the coconut get out your coconut husk out and get some of the flesh and put it on the husk. If you have any leftover coconut water put that on the husk and start squeezing. The coconut cream will start to drip out. When no more coconut cream is dripping out you need to drop the coconut out and get some more flesh. Repeat with the rest of the flesh.
Step five
Now you have delicious freshly made coconut cream to use in all your favourite dishes
Know you now how to make coconut cream why not give it a try this Samoan Language Week
le faafetai mo le faitau.
You will need to try that at home.