Wednesday, June 27, 2018

George's Grandma

Is your grandma warm, cuddly, kind and loving? well lucky for you, but George’s grandma is a horrible old hag

‘’Crunch’’ goes the gooey, slimy, gross and disgusting beatles as they slide down her throat. Joining the beatles are the other disgusting things Grandma eats such as earwigs, caterpillars, beastly bugs, worms and worst of all stinky watery cabbage.

Grouchy Grandma is a grizzly old grunion. That old hag complains, grouses, gripes and complains constantly.

Grandma is very tiny, like a leprechaun, her head only comes up halfway up the armchair.

Grandma is an old, old, old hag with wrinkles all down her body and horny fingers at the end of her hands. She is so old her eyes hardly ever move and blink.

Hopefully your grandma is warm and cuddly, but if not I have an extraordinary recipe for you to spoon in to the old hag.

1 comment:

  1. Lucky you have a warm, cuddly Nanna. You make George’s grandma sound so horrible.
