Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Plants Absorbing Water

Plants Absorbing Water 
To colour celery or cabbage leaves - Try and see how plants absorb water

Glass jars x4 
Cabbage leaves 
4 different colours of food colouring 
Scissors/knife/chopping board to cut the celery

Fill up 4 glass jars up to around halfway 
Put approximately 10 drops of different coloured food colouring into each jar
Place a celery stick or a cabbage leaf into each jar


Part 1 - Explain why plants need water 
Plants need water to absorb nutrients from the soil they also need water to grow to the right size and not die.

Part 2 - How they absorb water
Plants absorb water through their entire surface through roots, stems and leaves. Because of this movement of water molecules, it’s absorbed by the root hairs through cell membranes from the soil. Then the root hair cells become more and their osmotic pressure falls.  Osmotic means the movement of water molecules through a structure.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Choral count

Tui day in the life

The sun rose and warmed my body as I stood up and shook off the twigs, grass and moss from my nest.  I fly away to find some food then I spot some Kowhai trees so I glide down to peck on some leaves and flowers.  Then I fly to my friends in the Chatham islands to tell them I found a big Kowhai tree on the other side of the island.

After all that flying around the island, I get hot so I find some shelter to make myself cooler.  I find some shade under a big pohutukawa tree and rest a while. I wait there and I eventually fall asleep because it was so comfortable,  nice and cool. In the early evening, I go to find some food. I remember where the kowhai tree was and fly there to suck on some more delicious nectar. After I've done that, I find my nest and go to sleep.