Sunday, March 24, 2019

My wild self

Standing in front of me was the most idiosyncratic thing I have ever seen in my whole entire life.  Its palm cockatoo crest looked like wiggly knives coming out of his head. He had short, thick, ginger hair that had a slight wave in it.  His ears were small, round and as white as snow. They stuck out from the sides of his head very noticeably. Fur covered them, to keep him warm in the winter.  Its walrus tusks were as sharp and pointy as a megalodon tooth.

Its crisp blue shirt has a yellow lightning bolt in the centre.  Its big grey gorilla arms are bulging out of the side of his shirt in front of his bat wing that can make him soar through the sky.  Its lion tail is immeasurably big and very furry and if you get hit with it you will get a lot of pain going through your body. Its jelly like legs makes him look like a jellyfish swimming through the ocean.

He talks like Dwayne the rock Johnson with his deep voice and his big muscles. He walks with swagger and style and every couple of seconds he would stop and show of his muscles.

This crazy guy just jumped up, ran across some buildings, and dived through the air and glided across the water.  WOW what a creature I wish I was him.

Palm cockatoo crest - Your palm cockatoo crest is more than decoration. It helps you communicate too. A raised crest can signal to other birds that you're a friend.

Polar bear ears -It gets cold in the Arctic (down to 35°F below). For warmth, your polar bear ears are small and covered in fur—even on the inside. When diving, the ears close to keep cold water out.

Walrus tusks with whiskers - Your walrus tusks can grow up to four feet long. Walruses use their tusks to pull themselves out of the water and to crack breathing holes in the ice during the winter.

Western lowland gorilla arms - Ready to take a walk…on your hands? Your western lowland gorilla arms are so long, you'll be able to support yourself on your knuckles.

Lion's mane jelly - Imagine having no eyes or brain but still having one of the most sophisticated weapons on earth. Lion's mane jellies have tentacles over 100 feet long, each one packed with tiny harpoons that inject prey with deadly toxins.

Rodrigues bat wings - Your Rodrigues bat wings are very different from bird wings. Bird wings are made like human arm bones. But your bat wings are more like really long fingers. Creepy long fingers!

African lion tail - You have a dark brown tuft of hair on the end of your African lion tail. It helps you communicate. You can use it for lion sign language to talk to other members of your pride

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